Friday, March 30, 2012

Jokes for Malaysian-for skeptic? or an anti-faith?

Jokes for Malaysian-for skeptic? or an anti-faith?

Religion and believe is not a force in this lovely country, unless someone say so.
but here is the funny jokes spotted in this nice land.
A land is full of diversity, enjoy the joke then:

when a normal person said about weird environmental weather in a place..
this is the respond we see:

"Must be caused by XXX and YYY", "Or the thousand or illegal churches~~"...blah and "evil rites".

Have no understanding why i said there are anti-faith people?
read this and try to understand there:
This don't know who trying to laugh at XXX and YYY for relating them to weather problem.

is a person with religion call "extremist"?"aggressive?"
or a person who is anti-faith and hater of religion is an extermist then?

jokes? yes.... a real joke in Malaysian lovely land.
whereby this person have no idea of Malaysia first "Country principle":


Friday, March 16, 2012

Crash test 的重要

Crash test 的重要

在大马这个国土。crash test都是最不被衡量的汽车条件。所以车商从中取利,轻铁卖贵价。就连自身本土车厂proton,perodua也愚民愚众,税贵轻铁价钱高。

这是2012 年华人新年期间发生的悲惨车祸案。proton saga 快速割车迎面硬硬撞向toyota vios.saga 驾车人士即刻牺牲;vios里头前方男女生还重伤,后方两老不治,小女孩生存。我相信vios后方两位老人承受不了撞击压力的可能而牺牲。同排小女孩生存了下来。

车,不是拿来 炫耀的。是交通工具,还是要注意安全的那一个。
日本 有 japan ncap
韩国 有 korea ncap
欧洲 有 euro ncap
australia 有 australia ncap
美国 有 NHTSA

我相信应该还有跟多,可能来自各地。但是不是每辆车都送去测试。而有测试的皆是international car.
没有这些测试的是 asean car.但是toyota 有为自己的亚洲车弄GOA测试。有好过没有。

而ncap 就到这里




三者兼合就不是一般crash test可言。
前面 撞,
后面 撞,
夹 撞,
旁边 撞。



crashtest 就是目前为止最好的参考。消费者紧记,不是车身重就多糟糕,是轻才可怜。


消费者 最要不得的 购车/改车 观点

消费者 最要不得的 购车/改车 观点
我个人发现 有很多 消费者 保持两种 很要不得的 择车观点。

其一 是 为了 省油择轻车
其二 是 为了 省油改车bonnet

我们就来 看看一些网络搜索的资料,当然数据有些出入,但是我相信不会相差太大。


vios Kerb Weight (kg) 1020
mazda 2 sedan Kerb Weight (kg) 1053
alza Kerb weight (kg) 1140
fiesta hatchback Kerb Weight (kg) 1127
honda city Kerb Weight (kg) 1140
nissan xgear Kerb Weight (kg) 1140
nissan sentra Kerb Weight (kg) 1168
fiesta sedan Kerb Weight (kg) 1171
persona Kerb Weight (kg) 1195
nissan glivina Kerb Weight (kg) 1245
toyota altis Kerb Weight (kg) 1250
forte Kerb Weight (kg) 1261
hyundai matrix Kerb Weight (kg) 1346
proton exora bold cvt Kerb Weight (kg) 1486

但是 可以参考我这个分析文章:
内容也是从星加坡一个分析车的网站转载。问题就在这里,mazda 2 的省油量尽然被检测比vios还轻。
vios 硬撼 alza 可能 不相上下
vios 硬撼 proton saga 就 不担心saga
vios 硬撼 proton exora 就 多多保重了,就连mazda 2都是euro ncap 5 star 的车。
vios 硬撼 mazda 2 虽然彼此同segment 但是还是为vios 担心吧。


第二的观点是 省油改车bonnet
想必拥有车的人 为了省油, 或是为了快,为了轻,为了更有力而改车bonnet。
bonnet是 车的壳部最最重和硬的地方,为的不单是保护车引擎,而是车里的人。


Friday, February 24, 2012







虽然白蚁危害房屋建筑、水库堤坝、山林果园、车辆船只等,对国民经济造成很大的损失。但也有有利一面,白蚁及共生的鸡土从 菌等营养丰富,味道鲜美,又有一定的药理作用,不仅可食用,还能治疗一些人类疾病。在白蚁取食、筑巢过程中,又能加速物质循环及改善土壤结构等。其它方面的作用:据张贞华(1987)报道,黄翅大白蚁和黑翅土白蚁在铜矿区的土壤内营生,具有指示该区土壤及岩石含铜的实用意义,有利于找矿。据测定,浙江诸暨保和乡某铜矿区的上述两种土栖白蚁的虫体含铜量很高,黄翅大白蚁的虫体为191ppm,黑翅土白蚁的虫体为193ppm。其次是巢的菌圃和泥骨架含铜量也高,黄翅大白蚁的菌圃为131ppm,黑翅土白蚁的菌圃为128ppm,泥骨架为69ppm。显然,这是由于铜矿区水、土中含铜量的背景值高,而白蚁与真菌却能忍耐这种重金属离子,并且能在此种环境中繁衍。据此,在田间或山上找铜矿时,可利用白蚁的此种生境调查,作为一种指示。另外,在非洲干旱的沙漠地区缺乏水源,白蚁为了筑窝和培植菌圃,需要从几十米甚至200米深处取水。为了隧道畅通,白蚁又得把地下砂土不断地运送到地表,堆成蚁山。对来自地下深处的"砂土"进行分析,就可断定在这个范围内有无矿物和什么矿物。有人利用"白蚁探矿法"已成功地发现了丰富的金矿

白蚁的营养来源 白蚁食性很广,其营养物质来源于植物,以植物性纤维素及其制品为主食,兼食真菌和木质素,偶尔也食淀粉、糖类和蛋白质等等。然而,人们也常见白蚁会蛀食人造纤维、塑料、电线电缆甚至砖头、石块、金属等,它们是以口吐乙酸之类的化学物质来腐蚀、熔化这些物件的。除此之外,也能吞食同一蚁巢内的白蚁尸体、幼蚁发育中蜕下的旧皮,在外界食料缺乏的情况下,也会吞食蚁卵甚至幼蚁。不过相互吞食不是它们的正常营养方式。白蚁的食物可归纳为以下几方面。 (1)活体植物:许多种土栖白蚁都能取食植物的根、茎,尤其是幼苗、嫩茎和根部(2)含糖量高的干枯植物 纤维素在白蚁全部食谱中,占有极其重要的地位,许多种白蚁不仅取食天然木材和干枯植物,如蛀食枯死树桩、枯枝落叶和被木材腐朽菌寄生的枯木。黑翅土白蚁和黄翅大白蚁还取食晒干的牛粪。除此之外,白蚁还能取食各种含纤维素的加工产品,象纸张、布匹等。




長庚臨床毒物科 林杰樑醫師

火蟻原產南美洲,1940年入侵美國,紅火蟻行動非常迅速,10秒內能移動6英尺。迄今席捲了大半個美國,療養院成為它們的最新掠食地,老年人因行動慢,成為其最大的受害者。火蟻出沒的地域,螞蟻、小蜥蜴等其他無脊椎動物幾乎消失。美國每年都有數以百萬計的人被它們蟄傷。甚至還有不少火蟻咬死人事件。 紐西蘭及澳洲是全球對外來物種管制最嚴的國家,2001年也確認火蟻入侵。雖未傳出火蟻咬死人事件,但目前遭火蟻入侵的昆士蘭地區,一年僅修復遭火蟻咬壞的電線即斥資一億元澳幣。澳大利亞傾全力,希望能將火蟻阻絕在昆士蘭,如果不能控制,預計三十年內澳洲全境會被火蟻攻陷。
火蟻名稱的由來,可能是因為火蟻叮咬會產生如火灼傷般的劇痛,或叮咬後傷痕局部紅腫如火灼傷,故名之火蟻。火蟻可分為紅火蟻(Solenopsis invicta)及黑火蟻(Solenopsis richteri),入侵台灣的是紅火蟻。其大小介於0.3-0.6公分之間,與一般房間及室外所見的螞蟻大小相似。常居住在沙土鬆軟、約50公分直徑大小的蟻丘中,蟻丘深度甚至可達20公尺。約十萬隻火蟻,就有一隻蟻后,但有時候會有數隻蟻后在同一群火蟻中。火蟻的繁殖力驚人,一個蟻穴一年可能產出數千隻蟻后。火蟻喜歡築蟻丘在充滿陽光的地方,如農田、有庭園的住宅區、高爾夫球場等,都可能出現火蟻的蟻丘。如此與人接觸的機率也大為增加,也產生了許多公共衛生安全的問題。因為當蟻丘不小心被人破壞時,火蟻會傾巢成群出來攻擊破壞者,尤其是人類的下肢皮膚。

Proton Edar Dealers Association reports only 30% loan approval rate in Jan, asks for review of BNM guidelines

Proton Edar Dealers Association reports only 30% loan approval rate in Jan, asks for review of BNM guidelines
February 23, 2012 at 2:00 pm By Anthony Lim Filed Under Cars, Local News, Proton
Caution, this is the article from paultan blog. Refer to above original url for more info.


Bank Negara Malaysia’s new guidelines on responsible financing, which was announced on November 18 last year and became effective in January 1, 2012, hasn’t brought about desired results, it would seem.
The Malaysian Automotive Association has reported a 25% drop in new car sales for January 2012, attributing the cause partly to the restrictions on hire purchase brought about by the new guidelines.
Proton Edar Dealers Association Malaysia (PEDA) has issued a press release, in which it said that the BNM guideline is the second policy that has harmed the automotive industry after the amendments to the Hire Purchase Act last year.
It is calling for the guidelines to be reviewed – it said that the guidelines had severely damaged its sales, with only 30% of applications for loan submissions being approved in January. It is reported that the automotive industry is set to meet BNM tomorrow to seek a review of the guidelines.
PEDA added that the BNM guideline will not only curb and halt the automotive industry’s growth, but will affect vendors, distributors, dealers and sales advisors. It added that the income of more than 4,500 sales advisors in its dealer network has suffered as a result of lost commission earnings.
“The guidelines on responsible financing will only give rise to illegal loan sharks and promote (an) unproductive population,” PEDA president Armin Baniaz Pahamin said in the release.
The association said that when banks are more stringent, it provides a better opportunity for loan sharks to grow, adding that the loan shark industry was already at its prime even before the guideline was introduced. It added that the guidelines do not echo the government’s 10th Malaysia Plan and the government’s vision of the automotive industry, which is the most prominent sector after property.
Prior to the implementation of the guidelines, PEDA said that Proton, car manufacturers and assemblers were already having difficulty in attaining a good economies of scale due to the country’s small population. It said that the guidelines will further shrink its potential buyer’s demographic, and with a smaller market, the fate of more than 300,000 employees in direct and indirect employment within the automotive industry and its support sectors will be affected.
The association stated that it feared the repercussions and impact to the industry if the guideline isn’t reviewed. As it is, it said there are a lot of road bumps that will not only hinder the growth of the sector, but will stop the industry from moving forward, and the least that BNM can do is to encourage healthy competition among bankers to finance buyers and provide a standard procedure of compliance for the public to refer to when buying a car.
Updated footnote: In its release, PEDA explained the procedural requirements and elements needed for a vehicle hire purchase loan application. Initially, I thought it would be rather cumbersome to have placed it into the story, but so as to explain things clearly, I have now included it below, as fully described by PEDA.

Prior to the guideline, the industry was already affected with strict procedures for vehicle loan application. Application for Vehicle Hire Purchase Loan financing approval was previously based on:
1) Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS), FIS and CTOS checking.
2) Individual Banks Credit Risk Scoring, which include but are not limited to the following:
i) The Customer’s historical financial payment track record (any outstanding payment).ii) The dealer’s historical customer non-performing loan percentages or fraud casesiii) The vehicle model and type historical non-performing loan percentageiv) Applicant’s other financial commitment (financial exposure)v) Applicant’s lifestyle (rented house, mortgage, stay with parent)vi) Applicant’s employer’s background (its paid-up capital, years of establishment etc)
3) Applicant’s salary (rule of thumb: salary is 3x higher than the HP loan monthly repayment).
4) Documents required includes but not limited to:
i) 3 months payslipii) 3 months bank statementsiii) EPF statementsiv) Proof of addressv) Copy of identity cardvi) Copy of driving licenseviii) Appointment letter (or confirmation letter)
5) Guarantor’s documents as per para 4 will be prepared if the applicant’s income is less than 3x of the HP loan monthly repayment.
6) Banks have some discretion in approving customer’s loan application bearing the credit risk scoring.
With the above requirements, the average duration for approval took a minimum of 3-5 working days and the overall approval rate already stands at a critical 50% of total submission, with at least 25% of the loan was approved at a lower percentage (loan amount was reduced).
Since January 1 2012, all banks interpreted the guidelines differently and practice different measures in approving vehicle loan application but the new Rule of Thumb especially for Proton car buyers includes all the six factors above and the following unwritten-terms:
1) Gross income of at least RM1,600 per month.
2) or Net income MUST BE RM800 or more. Net income meaning, gross income less EPF and any other loan exposure with banks.
3) Bank statement of at least six months (BNM GL: Para 6.11 and 6.12)
4) No discretionary approval; any applications that does not conform to the requirement are rejected without processing. Since the implementation of the guidelines, banks do not seem to have any flexibility in approving loans.
5) Customer has lost all sovereignty in exercising his/her right to apply for any car loan unless they comply to the Debt Service Ratio (DSR) of the BNM Guidelines. This directly impacts the majority of the national car buyer demographic.
6) A car buyer can only qualify to secure a loan if he/she passes the DSR that totals up all outstanding debts repayment obligations from banks and non-banks (eg cooperatives, building societies, credit companies, and merchants that provide credit sales) against its income after statutory deductions (ie. tax, EPF, SOCSO) (BNM GL Para 6.6)
7) 6 months proof of salary is required for applicants with high ‘variable income.’ Overtime includes overtime, allowances and commission.

218蔡细历和林冠英 @ 我辩,我辩,我辩辩辩!

218蔡细历和林冠英 @ 我辩,我辩,我辩辩辩! ----------------------------------------------------

二零一二年二月二十四日 下午五时十七分
霹雳嘛,飞上枝头的副议长许月凤姐姐的下一步棋,已是past tense,毋庸再辩。第13届大选到来之前,大家倒是应该就地取材,公开辩论马汉顺医生的前程和远景,是否需要u转。
还有一场,马华的“拉车一姐”黄糩璊对垒民政的“苹果大姐”郑惠浓,自有非常卖点。两位一个马来西亚当红女人所辩之题,天马行空,不拘一格,任君界定;想说就说,想辩就辩。 辩,辩,辩;我辩,我辩,我辩辩辩!帕斯卡尔有一句传世的话说:第一个把女人比做花的是天才,第二个把女人比做花的是庸才,第三个把女人比做花的是蠢才。至于,那个跟风把辩论的平台当作成名之舞台的土权嘛 ....... 浅见以为,我们可不要白费力气争论“谁比较种族主义”还是“谁是更大的麻烦制造者”了。比较适合土权议论的论题,其实只有一道,那就是“白包还是红包比较harmony”。



二零一二年二月二十四日 下午五时二十三分
报道:杨业兴、黄媗丽 摄影:林建
地点:马华大厦总会长办公室 时间:2月23日上午11时 发刁者:《光华日报》总编辑胡锦昌、副总编辑兼吉隆坡经理林福荣 记者:杨业兴、黄諠丽
“我本身讲的方言也不是纯正的福建话,我母亲是福建人,爸爸却是潮州人,我的方言是罗吔 (Rojak),所以决定开始学中文。”

赢到中间选民认同●成功引蔡掉入陷阱 林冠英揭开“忍者”之密

赢到中间选民认同●成功引蔡掉入陷阱 林冠英揭开“忍者”之密

二零一二年二月二十三日 凌晨一时八分
2. 林冠英为什么在辩论会时频频低头看稿?
3. 为何没有回答被网民冠以拖车姐称号的黄糩璊提问?
4. 面对观众一再提问万一民联执政,行动党如何阻止伊斯兰党建立伊斯兰教国,林冠英在整场辩论中,什么私由始至终都没有回答?
5. 为什么辩论会结束后蔡细历护送林冠英离场?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

NCAP is important.But not latest. Check USA : NHTSA

NCAp is important.
we can see euro ncap, ancap, j an k ncap as well.(google global ncap).
But there is a crash test and safety rating that believe to be more strict than euro ncap.
That is US NHTSA: National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator

Vehicle Shoppers
NHTSA has set the standard for safety, helping consumers find safer cars with its 5-Star Safety Ratings for more than 30 years. Now, buying a safer car just got easier with the new Overall Rating that makes comparing vehicles simple. Take a test drive of and explore the safety features and ratings of your next car.


click below url and search your car model for crash test result.
Please take note that if your car model is not search in ncap or nhtsa that means your car is an asean car or other regions of cars that do not meet any safety feature level of assessment.

Pilot Projek Untuk ASEAN New Car Assessment Program (ASEAN NCAP) Bakal Menjadi Kenyataan Pada Pertengahan 2012

Pilot Projek Untuk ASEAN New Car Assessment Program (ASEAN NCAP) Bakal Menjadi Kenyataan Pada Pertengahan 2012
Please be informed this is a paste over content.
please refer to the above original url for more detail.


Pilot projek untuk ASEAN New Car Assessment Program (ASEAN NCAP) dijadualkan untuk dimuktamadkan protocols nya selewat-lewatnya minggu depan di Sydney, Australia. Disana, wakil-wakil dari perancangan ASEAN NCAP akan bertemu dengan rakan sejawat mereka dari Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) bermula dari 13-16 February 2012. ASEAN NCAP protocol dijadualkan untuk dilancarkan pada 16 Mac.

Sebuah crash test facility yang baru sedang dibina di Malaysia dan ujian pelanggaran akan bermula pada pertengahan 2012.

Nah! Sekarang ASEAN dan Malaysia khasnya bakal mempunyai protokol sendiri untuk NCAP mereka.

Adakah ini akan meningkatkan kesedaran dipihak pengeluar kenderaan dan seterusnya pengguna tentang peri pentingnya memiliki kereta yang selamat? Apa komen anda?

from ANCAP:

08 February 2012

Safer Cars for South East Asia
The Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) will host representatives from the Southeast Asian New Car Assessment Program (SEA NCAP) for a week of collaboration in Sydney from 13-16 February 2012.

The Global New Car Assessment Programme (GNCAP) and the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) signed a collaborative Memorandum of Understanding in December 2011 to establish a pilot project for a SEA NCAP to elevate motor vehicle safety standards, encourage a market for safer vehicles and raise consumer awareness in the SE Asia region. ANCAP is also a signatory to this MOU as well as the Automobile Associations of Malaysia, Singapore, and The Philippines.

ANCAP’s role is to provide technical and program support and advice to SEA NCAP to ensure that the program pursues protocols and procedures that will provide meaningful, accurate and reliable test results. It will also assist SEA NCAP in aligning with other NCAP’s around the world.

A new crash test facility is being constructed in Malaysia and testing will begin in mid 2012. With many vehicles supplied to the Australasian market from factories in SE Asia, this new program will have flow on effects across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

About 15 delegates from SE Asia will be participating in next week’s program of events, which includes the witnessing of a frontal offset crash test.

Media are invited to speak with representatives of SEA NCAP and ANCAP.

DATE: Wednesday, 15 February 2012

TIME: 1.00pm to 1.45pm

LOCATION: Crashlab* - 409 Great Western Highway, HUNTINGWOOD NSW 2148

ANCAP is supported by all Australian and New Zealand motoring clubs, the Australian Government, the New Zealand Government, all Australian state governments, the Victorian Transport Accident Commission, NRMA Insurance and the FIA Foundation.

For a full list of ANCAP’s vehicle safety ratings, other vehicle safety information and the specifications of the rated vehicles go to


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Comparison - Mazda2 Sedan 1.5 (A) & Toyota Vios 1.5E (A)

Comparison - Mazda2 Sedan 1.5 (A) & Toyota Vios 1.5E (A)
heard about vios been claimt with so call super duper save fuel car, here is what we found in Singapore car review. It shouldn't be too much different from Malaysia, because both are just sold as same in Malaysia as B-segment here.

read this article(visit the url for more detail):

content paste here:

Battle of the Sedans
The Mazda2 Sedan and the Toyota Vios have been two of the most popular compact sedans available in its segment. Thus, making a good buying decision between these two is indeed a tough one.

The Drive

On the go, the Vios loses out a tad bit to the Mazda2 Sedan.

On a day-to-day basis, the Mazda 2 would be the perfect companion. The cargo area may not be the best in its class, but pack light and the problem is solved. That being said, the motor feels quick when pushed hard.

Even on highways, the engine is smooth and has enough power for overtaking. This 1.5-litre hums along nicely, thrives on revs and makes the right noises when hard at work.

The Mazda2 Sedan has no bad habits, but neither does it handle like a Lotus. The suspension is fairly compliant resulting in a good ride over uneven surfaces. Around the corners, the Mazda does roll a bit, but nothing grave enough to make you lose your lunch.

Moreover, the brakes are close to perfect. It's precise and sharp and it comes to a halt without any fuss when instructed to. Although the Mazda's pushing prowess isn't breathtaking, the acceleration is sharp and relatively effortless for a car its size.

The Vios 1.5E proposition is slightly different. Although it packs more power and torque on paper, it does not come across as a faster or more powerful car. You certainly have to prod the accelerator a bit harder to get it to perform according to the specs.

Additionally, the featherweight steering of the Vios, which is such a joy in the parking lot and in traffic, is a touch too light and numb to inspire confidence in enthusiastic cornering - which is something you wouldn't want to do anyway. The torsion-beam rear suspension feels a bit unsettled during such driving mischief, as if it's nervous of anything beyond placid cornering loads.

But there is, no doubt, a good side to it. Although handling is not the best in its class, the Vios scores points for its ride quality. The car remains agile and pliant when thrown around, with good grips from the Yokohama tyres.The 2 and Vios score good marks for its power and ride quality respectively. While not nearly as impressive as some of the competitors in its class, the two highly recommended compact sedans' real world driving experience will satisfy most potential car buyers.


Although the Toyota Vios 1.5E loses a tad bit to Mazda2 in terms of their fuel efficiency of 14.3km/l (Mazda2 clocks 14.7km/l), it's the type of car that it's hard to feel any buyer's remorse for. It's practical, comfortable and it certainly doesn't look half bad.

On the other hand, the Mazda has made a good car better. The Mazda2 Sedan is characterised by a combination of dynamism, sexiness and simplicity, which leaves a strong visual impression. It may not be the cheapest in its segment, but as a value for money buy, it is hard to fault.

But one thing is certain for the compact sedans - they are both practical choices as a daily commuter. It's good enough for a bachelor, bachelorette, or a small family just starting out in life.

At a price of $68,988 for Vios (as of 23 Sept 2010) and $75,988 for Mazda2 Sedan (as of 24 Sept 2010), it's not as high tech and sophisticated as higher-end vehicles out there, but you'll get a reliable car from a reputable and reliable brand.

*the is the page 3 review from the original url

check the kerb that dominate your car fuel

check the kerb that dominate your car fuel:
vios Kerb Weight (kg) 1020
mazda 2 sedan Kerb Weight (kg) 1053
alza Kerb weight kg 1140
fiesta hatchback Kerb Weight (kg) 1127
... honda city Kerb Weight (kg) 1140
nissan xgear Kerb Weight (kg) 1140
nissan sentra Kerb Weight (kg) 1168
fiesta sedan Kerb Weight (kg) 1171
persona Kerb Weight (kg) 1195
nissan glivina Kerb Weight (kg) 1245
toyota altis Kerb Weight (kg) 1250
forte Kerb Weight (kg) 1261
hyundai matrix Kerb Weight (kg) 1346
proton exora bold cvt Kerb Weight (kg) 1486

asean ncap

asean ncap

watch out of asean ncap...many asean own a car know nothing about important of ncap... and that's why alot of car manufacturer not doing this for asean. that's call overpriced car.
Below from paultan car blog:

The ASEAN New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) pilot project is set to have its protocols finalised next week in Sydney, when representatives from the programme meet their Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) counterparts for a week long collaboration on the matter. The release of the ASEAN NCAP protocol is set for March 16.

This follows on the collaborative Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Global New Car Assessment Programme (GNCAP) and the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) in December last year to establish a pilot project for a South-East Asian NCAP to elevate motor vehicle safety standards, encourage a market for safer vehicles and raise consumer awareness in the region......

click here to paultan car blog


... 慈悲者,行慈舍义;

又有多少人像摩西那样,敢敢领以色列人 出埃及抗埃及?


i like hardcore ppl.good guy !

他坐了十几个小时的飞机,却只上场了26分钟;他没有教练指导,局间休息只能一个人喝水;他没有任何人陪同,比赛结束后只能独自匆匆离去。他的名叫亚拉.阿扎德.阿卜...杜勒.哈米德,也是亚运会上,伊拉克队唯一的羽毛球运动员,只是为了自己的梦想而努力。我们来给他鼓掌 ~帮忙一起share出去~ 让更多的人知道 :)

Pronton P3!!!! really cool!!!! check te spec out! how proton make it!!??

Pronton P3!!!! really cool!!!! check te spec out! how proton make it!!??
check the original url for picture!

Oh! Maklumat Lengkap Proton P3-21A Dibongkarkan

Maklumat lebih lengkap Proton P3-21A kini sudah didedahkan untuk kita semua mendapatkan gambaran sebenar apa yang ditawarkan Proton melalui produk terbaru dan terhangat ini. Menurut sumber dari blog Proton-Sales, Proton P3-21A boleh dikatakan mempunyai pelbagai ciri-ciri terkini serba lengkap, sama ada kelengkapan aksesori, utiliti, mahu pun ciri-ciri keselamatan bertaraf tinggi. Maklumat selanjutnya adalah seperti di bawah;


1. Auto fold/unfold side mirror - Side mirror akan automatik fold setiap kali alarm kereta diaktifkan, dan automatik unfold selepas kenderaan bergerak selaju 5km. Selain itu ada juga butang untuk kegunaan manual seperti yang ada pada Exora BOLD
2. Auto Off Rear Demister - Mengelakan tint menggelembung
3. Follow Home Lamp
4. Headlamp Warning Buzzer
5. Trunk Remote Release
6. Front & Rear Socket 12V - Terdapat di bahagian hadapan dan belakang
7. Utility Hook - Terdapat pada ruang penumpang hadapan seperti Exora, dan juga di ruang belakang pada area ‘pilar B’
8. Low Rear Hump - Ruang kaki penumpang belakang tidak lagi sempit dengan kini bonggolan tengah di lantai ruang kaki belakang lebih rendah
9. Front & Rear Fog Lamp
10. Anti-Trap Power Windor - Driver side only
11. Seat Material - Water repellent Fabric. Seat boleh fold 60:40. Material sangat lembut dan selesa
12. Smart Info Display (SID) - Mempunyai 3 bacaan kilometer, Trip A, Trip B dan Trip C. Terdapat pelbagai lagi maklumat seperti memberi amaran jika bateri pada kunci lemah dan lain-lain
13. Autolock & Advance Lock System
14. Magnesium Inside Door Handle
15. Keyless Entry - Tiada lubang kunci pada keempat-empat pemegang pintu
16. BOSCH Head-Unit - 2-Din, Touch Screen Monitor, Navigator, Bluetooth, USB, AUX, MP3
17. YES WiFi Modem - In-car Internet, first ever car in Malaysia, coverage Semenanjung Malaysia
18. S-Mode (Sport) - Terdapat pada gear column (P-R-N-D-S), S-Mode akan menambah RPM sebanyak 1,000 secara serta-merta untuk pemanduan lebih agresif
19. BCM - Body Control Module

1. 4 Wheel ABS & EBD with 4 Wheel Disc Brake
2. TC (Traction Control)
3. ESC (Electronic Stability Control)
4. BA (Braking Assist)
5. 4 AIRBAG - Airbag penumpang hadapan boleh di ON/OFF, untuk keselematan jika Bayi diletakkan di tempat duduk hadapan
6. 5 STARS Australia NCAP - Orang ramai tidak perlu lagi ragu-ragu tentang ketulenan markah penuh ujian perlanggaran P3-21A ini, kerana prosedur NCAP, pemilihan unit yang akan diuji bukan ditentukan oleh Proton atau syarikat pembuat kereta. Tetapi wakil NCAP dari Austrlia akan datang sendiri ke kilang model tersebut dan memilih sendiri secara rawak unit yang akan diuji. Jadi tiada lagi persoalan tentang markah penuh ujian perlanggaran NCAP. Dan saya sendiri tidak hairan tentang markah penuh tersebut setelah milihat video perlanggaran P3-21A dengan kelajuan 140km/h, bahagian ‘pilar A’ langsung tidak bengkok, terkesan atau sebagainya, ini membuatkan cermin hadapan tidak berderai, hanya retak atas kesan letupan Airbag sahaja. Untuk perbandingan, diantara City, Vios, Forte, Altis & Civic, hanya Civic sahaja yang mempunyai rekod NCAP, iaitu Japan NCAP.

1. Length = 4.543m
2. Width = 1.786m
3. Height = 1.524m
Size luar keseluruhan kereta menunjukkan P3-21A lebih besar daripada City, Vios, Forte, Altis & Civic
1. Boot Space: 508 liter - Terbesar diantara City, Vios, Forte, Altis & Civic
2. Turning Radius: 5.3 meter
3. Full Tank Capacity: 50 liter
4. Aerodynamic (Rintangan Angin): CD Factor = 0.30 - Untuk perbandingan, Audi TT memiliki CDFactor = 0.29. Secara theory nya, semakin kurang rintangan angin, semakin kurang penggunaan petrol
1. 1.6L CFE with 7-speed Pro-Tronic CVT3 (VVT) - 205Nm @ 2,000rpm ; 140PS
2. 0-100km/h: 9.6 saat - Untuk perbandingan, Kia Forte 1.6: 12.5 saat
1. Executive MT, 1.6 IAFM+ 5-Speed MT
2. Executive CVT, 1.6 IAFM+ 6-Speed CVT
3. Premuim CVT, 1.6 CFE 7-Speed CVT
1. Solid White
2. Tranquility Black
3. Genetic Silver
4. Fire Red (my favorite)
5. Blue Lagoon

Ciri-ciri lain yang telah diketahui sebelum ini:
1. Auto Cruise Control
2. Keyless Push Start (ON/OFF)
3. Magnesium Paddle Shift 7-speed & Manual Mode (+/-) on gear column
4. Audio Switch Steering Control
5. Soft touch plastic dashboard
6. Emblem on Steering Wheel
8. Rain Sensor
9. Light Sensor
10. Day light Front LED
11. Sport Rim 16″ (10 Spoke)
12. Multi-link rear suspension with Lotus RIDE & HANDLING

Kereta yang bagus bukan saja terletak pada aksesori dan ciri-ciri keselamatan terbaik serta rupa paras yang menarik, tetapi juga bergantung kepada harga. Harap Proton meletakkan tanda harga yang berpatutan, kalau boleh harga maksimumnya tidak akan melebihi RM75K.

Malaysia's Latest Proton Saga

Malaysia's Latest Proton Saga

Caution.This is a content paste over article. Please refer to the above original url for more info.


Questions of insider trading in national car shares remain unanswered a month after sale to a Mahathir crony

For nearly three decades, Malaysia’s national car project, Proton, has suffered through endless troubles, nearing its demise several times only to be propped up again and again by the government.

The government has regularly sought foreign buyers to come in and save the project, Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd. The carmaker has cost the country’s consumers billions in lost opportunity costs from the steep tariffs levied against other carmakers in addition to the losses the company made on its own, estimated at US$2-3 billion, plus the cost of building its factories. The preferential tariffs haven’t stopped consumers from turning to other makes anyway.

In January, DRB-Hicom Bhd, controlled by billionaire Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary, a longtime Mahathir friend and United Malays National Organization crony, agreed to take the ailing carmaker off the hands of Khazanah Nasional Bhd., the state-owned investment fund which owned 42.7 percent of the shares after taking the company over during an earlier period of distress. The subsequent events have raised many questions of insider trading, none of which have ever been addressed either by Proton, Hicom or Bursa Malaysia, the country’s stock exchange.

In the two months prior to the announcement of the sale, Proton’s shares went on a wild ride, beginning on Nov. 14, when the shares traded thinly, at only about 300,000 per day at a price of around RM2.70 (US88 cents)

According to official announcements by Bursa Malaysia, the Kuala Lumpur main board, the shares took off on Nov. 15, rising to RM3.21 on volume of 4.3 million traded. Over the next 12 days, daily volumes averaged 4.4 million shares. By Dec. 5, volumes increased to 20 million shares per day – 60 times the November average - with the price rocketing up by nearly 25 percent over the period to RM4.50 per share.

Proton’s Wild Ride
It wasn’t until Dec. 5, three weeks after the shares began to gyrate that Bursa Malaysia issued an Unusual Market Activity enquiry. On the next day, Proton announced: “"The Board of Directors of Proton wish to clarify that after making due enquiry with the Board of Directors and major shareholders, the company is not aware of any reason for the unusual market activity in the shares of the company recently, and further, that there is no material corporate development not previously disclosed."

Certainly not! On Jan. 17, DRB-Hicom announced it would buy Khazanah’s stake in the carmaker for RM1.291 billion, the equivalent of RM5.50 per share. That meant that those smart enough – or informed enough -- to buy the Proton shares in November at RM2.70 had effectively doubled their money in two months.

Insider trading?
“The above chain of events makes a bad overall impression. It looks very much that certain parties were privy to inside information,” wrote M A Wind, who blogs for Asia Sentinel. “Why was Bursa Malaysia so late with its Unusual Market Activity query? The share price of Proton had increased already over three consecutive weeks by a whopping 70 percent while daily turnover had risen 20-fold when it finally took action.”

The announcement on December 6, 2011 by Proton that neither it nor Khazanah Nasional were aware of any unusual activity looks puzzling to say the least. The market was rife with rumor, but neither Proton nor Khazanah Nasional said they were aware of any activity.

More suspiciously, the share price more or less stratified at RM 5.50 several days before the final announcement on January 16, 2011 – the DRB-Hicom offer price, which seems to suggest that unknown parties might have known what it would be.

Also, both Proton and DRB-Hicom appeared remarkably passive in issuing announcements, both only responding to queries from Bursa Malaysia (most notably on Dec. 6, 8 and 13, 2011 and Jan. 9, 2012), not initiating the announcements themselves although the stock exchange’s website says: "We place significant emphasis on timeliness, adequacy and accuracy of disclosure to enable investors to make informed investment decisions."

”Let’s be clear,” said a Kuala Lumpur-based investment banker. “All of Malaysia is one big insider-trading casino. There aren’t any other kind of trades.”

The banker declined to speculate on who made the killing. However, he said the clues point to top political figures. The car company was government-owned, the new ownership is close to top United Malays National Organization figures.

One of the victims of the exercise appears to be Malaysian workers -- the Employee Provident Fund, which provides retirement benefits for 13 million private and public sector employees at about 485,000 institutions and companies in the country. The EPF acquired an additional 830,000 shares in 2007 in one of many bids to rescue the company, making Malaysia’s taxpayers owners of the company whether they wanted to be or not.

The EPF, presumably unassuming, sold off some 15 million shares for a price well below the mandatory general office price, which is estimated to have cost the fund roughly RM20 million to RM30 million on the trades.

The next question is why Mokhtar wanted to take over the car project, initiated in the early1980s by former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad against the advice of his advisors, all of his critics and common sense. It has been unable to achieve economies of scale that would allow it to survive and flourish. Although local media reported that the financier was considering a possible tie-up with Volkswagen AG of Germany, as long ago as 2004 – eight years ago – it had been vainly seeking buyers that included Volkswagen, the American giant General Motors and PSA Peugeot-Citroen of France -- none of the bids has ever worked out.

However, Proton Holdings Bhd registered a first-half 2010-2011 pre-tax profit of RM186 million in the first half of its 2010/11 financial year, built on improved market sentiment and a 13 percent increase in vehicle sales. From an earnings point of view, the company is described by analysts nonetheless as “quite hopeless." But the company holds some valuable assets, including the land on which its old factory is sited in Shah Alam, and the UK-based Lotus manufacturer or sports and racing cars. The Net Asset Value is RM9.81 per share, well above the purchase price paid by Syed Mochtar. The company has RM1.3 billion in the bank and almost no debt.

“If in three months time Lotus is sold for a huge price, then we know why,” said an analyst. “ Maybe Syed Mokhtar knows already how to unlock the value."

Selling off the assets, however, would probably infuriate Mahathir, something the tycoon probably would not want to do for fear of retaliation by the still-powerful former premier. The 86-year-old Mahathir is said to be readying a return as a special advisor. On Feb. 6, he wrote an enthusiastic entry in his blog, Che Det, saying he had test driven a new model and found it to be an excellent car.

Proton was the focal point of Mahathir’s dream to turn Malaysia into an industrial powerhouse built on the country’s considerable natural wealth of rubber, palm oil and crude. The car was one of a flock of mega-projects that Mahathir forced onto Malaysia in the 1980s and 1990s, creating steel mills, the US$475 million Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, a US$5.5 billion Putrajaya administrative capital, the US$2.4 billion Kuala Lumpur International Airport, the US$15 billion Multi-Media Super Corridor which was supposed to eclipse Silicon Valley. The Bakun Dam in Sarawak was to generate enormous amounts of electrical power to be piped through 1,500 kilometers of underwater cables to West Malaysia. A vast network of highways was flung across the country.

Japan’s Mitsubishi Corp persuaded Mahathir to retool an even-then ageing Lancer in 1985 and put an Islamic star and shield on the hood to create the first Proton Saga. Mitsubishi, however, quit in 2004 and sold its 16 percent stake back to Proton Holdings Bhd, the parent holding company.

After Mitsubishi pulled out, the absence of newer models and the inability to find a reliable and technically sound foreign partner meant that sales began to decline. Although Proton had more than 60 percent of the market in 2002, that fell to 30 percent by 2006. It has hovered around 30 percent ever since, despite the preferential government treatment. A 2007 Wall Street Journal-Asia report suggests that Proton burned up RM300-500 million annually.


read this article. some point of view from the insider do make sense. captured the points as below here and let's think:

1. Pronton is very keen in seeking buyers that included Volkswagen, the American giant General Motors and PSA Peugeot-Citroen of France -- none of the bids has ever worked out.
2. From an earnings point of view, the company is described by analysts nonetheless as "quite"
3. "If in three months time Lotus is sold for a huge price, then we know why"
4. Japan Mitsubishi Corp persuaded Mahathir to retool an even-then ageing Lancer in 1985 and put an Islamic star and shield on the hood to create the first Proton Saga. Mitsubishi, however, quit in 2004 and sold its 16 percent stake back to Proton Holdings Bhd, the parent holding company.
5. After Mitsubishi pulled out, the absence of newer models and the inability to find a reliable and technically sound foreign partner meant that sales began to decline
6. A 2007 Wall Street Journal-Asia report suggests that Proton burned up RM300-500 million annually.

the golden egg of malaysian: EPF is mentioned in the article. will it be misused to save the ass of proton? if no, God bless...if yes, let's eat shit.

Depreciation Kills | The Truth About Cars

Caution!!!! this is a copay and paste over article.
below is the resources url, please navigate to the host url for more info:

From the good old days of 2007…

“Is that yours?” Millions of car buyers spend billions of dollars hoping that this statement will be born of admiration rather than pity. When these words come out of a car dealer’s mouth at trade-in time, they can be especially hurtful– even if the salesman is as honest as their spiel is long. That’s the moment when most car buyers finally discover whether or not their automotive “investment” has walked off a cliff and fallen into the financial abyss known as depreciation.

Here’s how to avoid the freefall.

It simply can’t be stressed enough. Depreciation is the mother of all automotive operating costs. Even if gas soars to four bucks a gallon, depreciation STILL represents the biggest hit to the car owner’s wallet.

To wit: The average cost for a new car in these great United States currently hovers around $30k. After seven to eight years– still a few years less than the ever-increasing average amount of time American new car buyers hold onto their whips– the car’s owner will be looking at a depreciation rate somewhere between 65 percent and 85 percent.

In other words, come trade-in time, they’re facing an average loss between $19,500 and $25,500. That’s before any considering of the “opportunity cost” (i.e. money lost by NOT investing the cash in a house/money market/alpaca farm). Or inflation.

Bottom line: if you want to avoid depreciation, forget about buying a new car… or even a near-new car. Yes, a new car offers warranty-related peace of mind and late model vehicles can be purchased as certified pre-owned models. . But it’s an extremely expensive security blanket. A carefully-selected used car may need repairs. But in most cases, repairs of those expenses still cost a lot less than depreciation.

If you’re willing to forgo that new(ish) car smell, figuring-out your buying pattern is the next step. There are two basic buying types: Keepers (keep cars for the long haul) and Traders (trade them in after a few years).

Many Keepers are ready, willing and able to enjoy a vehicle for well over a decade. “Keepers” believe their car should be a cruising companion until the point where the perceived risk of owning it (usually the cash outlay for major repairs) outweighs the fact that ownership itself eventually costs them nothing/virtually nothing.

In the automotive world they are what we call “married.”

The key to being a successful Keeper: marry genuine quality, not reputation. Say what you will about “import bigots” and brand loyalty. The automotive market is a place where perceived reputation translates into dollars and cents.

Toyotas and Hondas routinely receive price premiums– even though many of their products fall far short in value and performance as compared to their peers. By the same token, overlooked or unloved models represent an excellent way to keep the hounds of depreciation at bay.

In most cases, car buyers get more bang for their buck (power, features, etc.), lower up-front costs, and lower depreciation costs simply by buying a used example of a less well known/accepted car. Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Buick– there are plenty of brands that sell excellent products that simply fail to capture the public imagination. The fact that these cars take a huge initial hit on depreciation works entirely in your favor, both buying and selling.

For example, if you’re looking at a midsized commuter, a 2004 Buick Century or 2004 Oldsmobile Bravada, both of which finished first in J.D. Power’s dependability study and received strong ownership ratings, will cost thousands less to purchase than a comparable Camry, Accord or Pilot. Remember: badge snobs must pay for the privilege.

The Trader is a different animal. They are looking at a shorter time horizon than the Keeper. They require a different strategy.

To avoid depreciation, Traders are best off buying a carefully vetted seven to nine-year-old car of their choice. At that point, depreciation has exacted the majority of its revenge.

With due diligence, Traders can get a superb return on their money. The average seven-year-old car kept for two years experiences minimal depreciation (20 percent or so). The average nine-year-old car experiences even less, and so on. It’s a simple but highly effective buying pattern.

And then there is the Sage. The Sage can buy nearly anything and make a buck at it. Yours truly has enjoyed hundreds of vehicles over the last few years– and it’s only taken huge chunks of my free time to do it. Mechanics, auto auctioneers, wholesalers, retailers and hobbyists will always have an edge when it comes to depreciation costs. We know what’s hot, and we know plenty of people who appreciate hotness.

Again, wisdom comes at a cost. Sages don’t pay for depreciation (much), but their insight requires years of hard work, money (mistakes are never free) and a feel for the auto biz’ cycles of fashion and fame.

Whether you’re a Keeper, Trader or Sage, remember: a car is an expense. It may excite you or be a daily nuisance, but it is still an expense. By minimizing depreciation you will avoid the single largest cost in the process. With that money you can save the world, buy groceries or save up for your next car.


what do i think?

many people don't really understand and getting mislead by sales figure/staff:

if owning a car for 7~9 years(or plan to own it that long), depreciation has exacted the majority of its revenge.
hence time when purchasing that machine, depreciation is just a joke to freak you out of decision making.

there are friends who own a car for more than 8 years, and do you still think so call "better depreciation value" still make any sense in this case?
No at all~~! maybe you have to approach the sales to figure out~! yo~~

compare car price in malaysia, UK, US, thailand.

compare car price in malaysia, UK, US, thailand.

2012 toyota camry…..the camry fever still ruling the first world country USA.
Let’s see how it goes in Malaysia and thailand..

US web price(I believe the real retail price might be little different but not much..for Malaysia as well)

2012 camry cost for USD 23,000 Let convert it into our MYR ringgit, using web currency converter:

The result is:

72.841.00 MYR..
I know this is ridiculous.
Let’s find out more:

click this and shown:
I really don’t know is this a On-the-road price or not…so let’s add another USD 3000 for calculation:
$23000+$3000 = $ 26000
And the conversion comes to:
RM82,342.00 sound nice?
Let’s see where it goes in Malaysia:

Let’s see where it goes, um sound like a big profit.
It goes to RM144,999.00 for lowest spec we get here.
I know some “extreme country lover still unable to accept this real fact in front of our eyes ball~~”.. let’s convert it into USD for more clear picture:

Here it goes: USD 45,781.5 that mean equal to 2 camry in Malaysia.

Let’s go to Toyota Thailand to see what happen:

If bath 1224000, then its RM:

Let’s see here. 1 camry car in US, Malaysia and Thailand. All converted to Malaysia ringgit:

USD: RM82,342.00
Baht: RM122,982.49
MYR: RM144,990.00

If you are buying other cars in Malaysia such as below car model with around RM80,000 something. You get:

Why? Its that inspira so cool than camry? That been awarded as best car selling in US?

Let’s try to find out more, let’s go for proton person:
In Malaysia, RM49.499.00.
In Australia:
What is that mean? Don’t care..just take the lowest spec and calculate the price:
It is RM 48558.59.
Doesn’t make much different. Let’s go for UK proton and see what is the different.
Unfortunately, I can’t get persona there I don’t want to compare any ecologic.
Let’s try gen-2:
Malaysia price:

RM54,988.00 in Malaysia
Let’s go for UK now:
Whatever with the persona here, let’s just take to most cheap on-the road price:
RM45,170.87? I don’t believe that. Let’s try higher price:
Um…that’s make me feel better…RM58,929.27

Let’s try savvy:

And UK one?
For manual..UK selling price is cheap than us for a few hundred, and for auto one, they got higher than us for a few hundred. Ringgit.

What is this mean?
I always get this information from people that we use to buy most expensive car. And I not really understand why the “Top Gear” 3 guys so irritating on Malaysia manufactured car.
I remember what’s is his review on kelisa in UK about:”…Malaysia car maker just want to make money…and blah..”. And he is so angry with Malaysia car quality.
Now I understand.
No matter you bought what car in Malaysia, imported or local made.(actually mostly is local assembly…like vios and naza plate car).

ASSB UMW assembly vios in malaysia…no wrong locally.
And naza?well known. The manufacturing plan in gurun.

Guess what?we thought we bought imported car but actually is local assembly, and then rebadged or better put back the original badge.
But guess what, even you assembly in Malaysia. The car price is even higher than what US consumer get in US.see below
Lowest spec in Malaysia from RM71,194
Car price in US, converted into Malaysia: RM72,841.00

So what is this mean again?

Some people felt so proud of getting nice car in Malaysia, and we call them ‘lansi’~~
Not nice to call people in this way.
But what this mean?
It means: no matter what car you bought, in Malaysia. (local assembly imported car, local rebadged imported car, purely imported car, even local manufactured car by proton/perodua).
Who earn the most?car seller?maybe..but I believe the most one who take the money from the people is: GOVERNMENT
Guess what? Let’s see Malaysian automotive association that price out the percentage of taxes we paid:

I always heard about this and I don’t really mind on what we had been paid for.(at least for some times…until I have a strongly feeling of increasing of my daily expenses lately).
I thought government wanna help me….but…everywhere I google. I see how the government tax me..until I die(one day).

The point is:
Either Malaysian is a rich country that we can buy our car more expensive than US and Thailand.
Either Malaysian is a very rich nation that our exported to other country and they use to get lower price than us. yes~ with the same product..
Either Malaysian is that rich enough to protect our car industry no matter what..
Are we that rich ? Are we that much than first world country?
But how about our neighbor country?

Are we still sleeping on all this real facts? Since we had given more than 20 years of contribution (in car industry market I mean) to our dear ex- prime minister protected industry.

What happened to us?

Thanks for your contribution to the nation and government.